Monday 29 August 2016

Word Wall Winners

Individual Competition - Longest Word

Congratulations to the following students who all came up with 13 letter words:
Joel Mahoney (11 Denn)
Isabella Mallia (10 Mores)
Mackinley Collins (10 Andres)
Kasey Markovic (10 Kostka)
Brogan Cooper (10 Andres)
Cody Beckley (9 Arrupe)
James Reilly (9 Arrupe)
Jaxon Connor (9 Arrupe)

Please come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

The long words found were: Structuralist, Astronautical, Autocatalysis and Auscultations.

Year Level Competition - Most Words

Congratulations to the Year 8s who won the Word Wall Year Level competition with a grand total of 443 words.
Year 7s were not so very far behind with a fantastic 376 words.
A special mention needs to be made for 9 Arrupe who produced a 154 words on Friday afternoon bringing the Year 9 total to 163 words.
Year 11 came in with 182 words, Year 10 with 174 words and Year 12 with 70 words.

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