Friday 19 August 2016

Children's Book of the Year Winner

The winner of the Children's Book of the Year award for Older Readers was announced today. The winner was:

Cloudwish by Fiona Wood

A story about what happens when your wishes come true. Sometimes what you think you want isn't as simple in real life as it was in your daydreams. For Vân Uoc Phan it turns out that the attention of the most popular boy in school isn't as simple as she thought. For a start, the other popular kids don't like it - especially the queen bitch from hell. Then there are her parents - how can she ask her parents, refugees from war torn Vietnam, to understand that although they lost everything and risked everything coming to Australia, she doesn't want to be a successful doctor living in Kew (why the obsession with Kew anyway?). Not to mention that she lives in a different world to the rest of her schoolmates. She lives in a commission flat and goes to school on a scholarship, they go to that school because their parents are rich....

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