Monday 15 August 2016

Celebrating Science Week

Drones, Droids and Robots

It's National Science week, so let's take a break from books and study, and enjoy some of the amazing things that are being done around the world in robotics.

For decades books and movies have been using robots for anything from cleaning our houses to fighting our wars. We have asked questions about what makes us human, and can we trust Artificial Intelligence. But for all that, it is only relatively recently that we have been able to manufacture humanoid robots that can actually walk (when you take uneven ground into account, it is actually quite hard!).

Take a look at this clip of some of the most advanced humanoid robots around today:

 Drones, quadcopters, remote controlled aeroplanes - they are fun to fly, getting more advanced all the time, and a bit scary when the military gets involved. But what about some of the cool non-military applications?

Check out this (short) article about some of the great ideas out there:

Finally, for a bit of fun, check out this video of Boston Dynamics testing the capabilities of Atlas (don't worry, they weren't really bullying the robot, they were just making sure that it could still perform its job!)

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