Monday 17 October 2016

Music Rocks quiz winners

There were 3 people that got every single question right in the quiz - including, for  the first time, a teacher!.


Caine Gale (8 Owen)
Benjamin Robertson (9 Isore)
Mr Dainton

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again next week for a new competition and a chance to win!

For those who are curious the correct answers were:

Q1. Name the artist
 A. Slash

Q2. Which band is Axl Rose doing a fill in for while on tour?

Q3. What are the names of the brothers in AC/DC?
 A. Malcolm and Angus Young

Q4. What is the name of Def Leppard's drummer?
 A. Rick Allen

Q5.  How many parts on a rock drum kit?
 A. 8

Q6. How many strings on a guitar?
 A. 6

Q7. How many strings on a bass guitar?
 A. 4

Q8. Which Beatles band member got shot outside his house?
 A. John Lennon

Q9. Who did the first ever power slide in rock history?
 A. Led Zepplin

Q10. Which was the most successful band in history?
 A. The Beatles

Q11. Name the band
 A. Metallica

Q12. Which member of the Foo Fighters was also the drummer for Nirvana?
 A. Dave Grohl

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