Tuesday 25 October 2016

Calling all book reviewers

The ILC would love to start publishing YOUR book reviews. After all, the best way to find your next
great read is to ask a friend. So we want students to start recommending books for other students.

Book reviews don't have to be long, or hard to write. If you are not sure where to start try the following formula:

  • What was it was about: No spoilers please! What sort of book was it, how did the plot start? (maybe about 50 words)
  • Why I picked it up: what attracted you to the book? e.g good cover? genre? recommendation? (1-3 sentences)
  • Why I finished it: what was good about it? characters? style of writing? action? (1-3 sentences)
  • I'd recommend it to: a friend? people who enjoyed a particular book?  (1-3 sentences)

  Give it a star rating:
    1 star = Didn't like it
    2 stars = It was ok
    3 stars = I liked it
    4 stars = I really liked it
    5 stars = OMG it was amazing

We are happy to give you the credit, and publish your name. Or, if you are shy, you can remain anonymous - it is your choice (let us know).

email your book reviews to Mrs Kelleher (kelleherr@)

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