Monday 31 October 2016

Pixar quiz winners

Well, no one got every question right. But there were 6 students who got all but one question, so they will all get a prize.


Ruby Downes (7 Coudere)
Jazmyn Galea (8 Xavier)
Devlin Wootton (10 Briant)
Bianca Sagor (10 Garnier)
Katerina Mifsud (10 Garnier)
Isaac Carpenter (10 Morse)

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again next week for a new competition and a chance to win!

For those who are curious the correct answers were:

Q1. What was the first feature film released by Pixar?
 A. Toy Story

Q2. Name the film
 A. The Incredibles

Q3. The short film "Presto" was released as the introductory clip before which feature film?

Q4. Name the character
 A. Bruce

Q5. Which was the lowest rated Pixar film on Rotten Tomatoes? (i.e. people thought was the worst)
 A. Cars 2

Q6. Name the film
 A. Finding Dory

Q7. How many Pixar films have been nominated (so far) for an Academy Award, and how many have won at least one award?
 A. 13 nominated, with 9 films wining at least one award

Q8. Name the character
 A. Heimlich

Q9. From which Pixar short film did their desk lamp icon come from?
 A. Luxo Jr.

Q10. Name the character
 A. Young Macintosh

Friday 28 October 2016

Student book reviews

by Rainbow Rowell

Fangirl is about a girl named Cath going to college. She and her twin had always shared everything, they were a packed deal, but when they got to college it all changes.

Why I picked it up: My mum gave it to me as a present.

Why I finished it: It was really hard to put down. It always had me hooked.

I'd recommend it to: Anyone who is up for a book filed with love, adventure and fan fiction.

I rate it:

Year 8 student

Time Traveling with a Hamster

by Ross Welford

This book is about a kid named Al Chaudhury who lives with his mum, step-dad and step-sister. On his 12th birthday he gets a letter from his dead dad to go back in time to save him. Now Al, and his pet hamster, have to travel back and forward in time to save Al's dad.

Why I picked it up: My teacher recommended it to me.

I'd recommend it to: People who like adventure books

I rate it:

Emily Hurst (7 Carroll)

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Google like a pro: Tip #6

Do a reverse image search

Looking for an image, but don't know how to describe it? Perhaps you have saved an image but now need to go back to the original website to get EasyBib details? Or maybe you have found a picture, but you don't know what it is, or how to find something similar.

Google lets you search by uploading an image. Simply click the camera icon in the search bar. Upload the image, paste it, or even drag and drop. Simple!

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Calling all book reviewers

The ILC would love to start publishing YOUR book reviews. After all, the best way to find your next
great read is to ask a friend. So we want students to start recommending books for other students.

Book reviews don't have to be long, or hard to write. If you are not sure where to start try the following formula:

  • What was it was about: No spoilers please! What sort of book was it, how did the plot start? (maybe about 50 words)
  • Why I picked it up: what attracted you to the book? e.g good cover? genre? recommendation? (1-3 sentences)
  • Why I finished it: what was good about it? characters? style of writing? action? (1-3 sentences)
  • I'd recommend it to: a friend? people who enjoyed a particular book?  (1-3 sentences)

  Give it a star rating:
    1 star = Didn't like it
    2 stars = It was ok
    3 stars = I liked it
    4 stars = I really liked it
    5 stars = OMG it was amazing

We are happy to give you the credit, and publish your name. Or, if you are shy, you can remain anonymous - it is your choice (let us know).

email your book reviews to Mrs Kelleher (kelleherr@)

Monday 24 October 2016

Pixar quiz

This fortnight's competition is all about Pixar cartoons. The movies, the shorts, the characters. The student who correctly answers the most questions will win the prize.

How well do you know Pixar?

Go to the competition

Entries close on Friday 28th of October.

Winners announced Monday 31st of October.

Friday 21 October 2016

Small Things by Mel Tregonning

This is a great book with no words that tells the story of a young boy who feels overwhelmed by his worries and fears.

In the beginning of the story his worries make him feel isolated, no one else seems to notice or care that he feels like he is falling apart. But gradually he learns that there is help, and that he is not alone. In fact, that most people are being followed around by their own worries.

With amazing illustrations, many people will be able to find parts of themselves in the pages.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Writing vs. Typing

Did you know that writing things using a pen and paper makes you learn better and faster?

Did you know that students who use their laptop for all of their note taking usually end up taking more notes, but remember and understand far less?

Taking written notes when researching

  • Removes the "cut and paste" temptation that can lead to plagiarism.
  • Re-writing in your own words helps you check understanding.
  • Makes things easier to remember.
  • Forces you to make sure you are sticking to what is really important.

[Jessie S] . (2016). Note-taking: writing vs. typing notes. Retrieved September 5, 2016 from 

Monday 17 October 2016

Music Rocks quiz winners

There were 3 people that got every single question right in the quiz - including, for  the first time, a teacher!.


Caine Gale (8 Owen)
Benjamin Robertson (9 Isore)
Mr Dainton

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again next week for a new competition and a chance to win!

For those who are curious the correct answers were:

Q1. Name the artist
 A. Slash

Q2. Which band is Axl Rose doing a fill in for while on tour?

Q3. What are the names of the brothers in AC/DC?
 A. Malcolm and Angus Young

Q4. What is the name of Def Leppard's drummer?
 A. Rick Allen

Q5.  How many parts on a rock drum kit?
 A. 8

Q6. How many strings on a guitar?
 A. 6

Q7. How many strings on a bass guitar?
 A. 4

Q8. Which Beatles band member got shot outside his house?
 A. John Lennon

Q9. Who did the first ever power slide in rock history?
 A. Led Zepplin

Q10. Which was the most successful band in history?
 A. The Beatles

Q11. Name the band
 A. Metallica

Q12. Which member of the Foo Fighters was also the drummer for Nirvana?
 A. Dave Grohl

Friday 14 October 2016

Now in the Cinema

Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning and night. Every day she rattles down the track, flashes past a stretch of cozy suburban homes, and stops at the signal that allows her to daily watch the same couple breakfasting on their deck. She’s even started to feel like she knows them. Jess and Jason, she calls them. Their life—as she sees it—is perfect. Not unlike the life she recently lost.

And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Unable to keep it to herself, Rachel goes to the police. But is she really as unreliable as they say? Soon she is deeply entangled not only in the investigation but in the lives of everyone involved. Has she done more harm than good? [blurb from]

Book Trailer: Extraordinary Means

Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider

If you love John Green books, try this.

Lane has been diagnosed with a new strain of tuberculosis that is totally drug resistant. TB is a lung disease that is pretty much a death sentence. Kids with the disease are sent to special country homes to recover with rest and fresh air. Sometimes people go home. Usually they don't.

Lane thinks that his life is over when he is sent to Latham house. But when he gets there he meets Sadie and her friends - a group of troublemakers that are determined not to measure their lives by their health charts. They will sneak phones into their rooms and steal internet time, and sneak into town for coffee just to feel normal.

But how real can love be when life seems so temporary?

Mrs Kelleher rates this read 3 1/2 stars

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Google like a pro: Tip #4

Using site: to search within specific websites

You can use Google to search within a particular website using the site: function.

Let's say last week you saw a news article about Tasmanian devils on, and now you want to find it again. You can search Google like this:

Tasmanian devils

Tasmanian devil


This trick also works really well when you are watching a movie and want to know what other films one of the actors has been in search for the actors name, or film name and add

Monday 10 October 2016

Quiz - Music Rocks

This fortnight's competition was created by a student in 9 Faber. The person who correctly answers the most questions will win the prize.

How well do you know your Rock Music?

Go to the competition

Entries close on Friday 14th of October.

Winners announced Monday 17th of October.

Friday 7 October 2016

Inky Award Winners Announced

These are the best books published last year, as voted by teenagers.

The GOLD Inky (written by an Australian author) goes to:
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

This is a book that will blow your mind. It is written in a series of emails, IM conversations, interview transcripts, public notices, web pages, and other odd and ends.

An ex-couple are, with the rest of their colony, on the run from an enemy spaceship. The AI on their battle cruiser has taken damage, and might, or might not, be insane. There seems to be a really nasty disease breaking out on one of the other ships, and there might be zombies involved along the way.

"I'm on a ****ing derelict warship, on the run from the psychotic crew and insane artificial intelligence trying to save my ****ing boyfriend. Damn right it's nuts."

The SILVER Inky (written by a non-Australian author) goes to:
I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson

If you like John Green's book, try this one. It's a gorgeous story of love, loss, family and betrayal.

A pair of twins that were really close, until something drove them apart. What they don't realise is that they each have only half the story.

"The sun, stars, ocean, trees, everything, I gave it all up for you."

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Google like a pro - Tip #3

Using minus to exclude words

Sometimes when you search Google you will be flooded with results that you are not interested in because they used the word in a different way to you.

Let's say you were looking for information on jaguars - the big cat, not the car. But the results seemed to be all about the car. You can re-do the search using -cars (no spaces between the minus and the word you want to exclude), so Google knows to leave those pages out.

Jaguars -cars

Monday 3 October 2016

Pop Culture quiz winners!

Only one student was able to get every question right.


Anthony Zanghi (9 Isore)
Benjamin Robertson (9 Isore)
Fraser Richards (12 Bobola)

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prize.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again next week for a new competition and a chance to win!

For those that are curious the answers were:

Q1: The young rising star, Anton Yelchin, 27, was tragically killed in a freak accident with his car  before the release of the latest installment on Star Trek Beyond. Which film or TV show didn’t Yelchin appear in during his short career?
 A: Perks of Being a Wallflower

Q2: Pokemon Go was released on and has quickly broken all records. It has also led many humans into some unfortunate and downright bad situations. Which of the following incidents hasn’t happened (yet)?
 A: Rival teams of Pokemon Go players have a “dance-off” in a gym located on the moon.

Q3: Kesha’s lawsuit against Sony relating to her allegations of abuse by her producer Lukasz “Dr. Luke” Gottwald, and the February ruling that Kesha cannot invalidate her contract caused an uproar inside the industry and, in particular, other female singers came to her defense. Which of the performers below didn’t publicly come to Kesha’s defense?
 A: Rihanna

Q4: Despite poor reviews and intense, widespread hatred for Ben Affleck, his movie has been raking in the dough. The film is also the debut of several other live-action depictions of other superheroes. Which of the following doesn’t make an appearance?
 A: Green Lantern

Q5: After taking the Internet by storm, which adorable cat has recently become a toy empire?
 A: Pusheen

Q6: Match the artist with their song:
 A: Calvin Harris (feat. Rihanna) --> “This Is What You Came For”
Justin Timberlake  --> “Can’t Stop the Feeling!”
Sia (feat. Sean Paul) --> “Cheap Thrills”
Katy Perry --> "Rise"
The Chainsmokers (feat. Daya) --> “Don’t Let Me Down”
Kent Jones --> “Don’t Mind”
Drake (feat. WizKid & Kyla) --> “One Dance”

Saturday 1 October 2016