Monday 12 March 2018

Disney quiz - Winners!

2018 marks the first year that participation in the ILC trivia quizzes will count towards the House Cup competition. Over the year you can battle out with the other houses to gain precious points...

Congratulations to the following students for coming equal first in the Disney cartoons quiz. You have each earned 5 points for your house.

Caine Gale (Fraser)
Eva Kilpatrick (Cuthbert)
Hannah Mawson (Fraser)
Janelle Nichols (Cuthbert)
Jazmyn Galea (Elliot)
Joshua Abbott (Fraser)
Lilie Jones (Bradman)
Lindsay Musella (Fraser)
Makaelah Naus (Bradman)
Mia Kelly (Fraser)
Millie Maheras (Cuthbert)
Olivia Ball (Bradman)
Paddy Gleeson (Fraser)

Every other student who participated gained a point for their house. This week the the points go to:

Fraser (60)
Bradman (43)
Cuthbert (42)
Elliot (29)

Don't forget to check out the quiz again next week for your chance to earn more points towards the House Cup.

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