Friday 16 March 2018

An Irish read for St Patrick's Day

The Call by Peadar O'Guilin
We know that Ireland is full of fairies. But what if the fairies aren't the kind magical creatures we want them to be? What if they are cruel and evil?

3 minutes and 4 seconds. The length of time every teenager is 'Called', from the moment they vanish to the moment they reappear. 9 out of 10 children return dead. Even the survivors are changed. The nation must survive. Nessa, Megan and Anto are at a training school - to give them some chance to fight back. Their enemy is brutal and unforgiving. But Nessa is determined to come back alive. Determined to prove that her polio-twisted legs won't get her killed. But her enemies don't just live in the Grey Land. There are people closer to home who will go to any length to see her, and the nation, fail...

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