Wednesday 1 November 2017

Navigating "Alternative Facts"

To protect yourself from post-Trump world of "Alternative Facts" it is worth knowing why new sites,
ads, and social media grabs are deliberately trying to trick you.

What are they doing, and why?

Fake News - Think of this as click-bait. These are made up stories designed to look like journalism. The purpose? to make money out of the surrounding ads - the more you click, the more money they make.

Misinformation - This is when a story is designed to fool you - often to make you laugh or to see if something will go viral. How many times has Morgan Freeman apparently died according to social media? Satirical stories like those on The Onion are also examples of this.

Propaganda - This is when Trump's "alternative facts" come in. This is when something is biased or misleading to encourage you to believe a particular idea or political belief. Governments do this all the time, but it is not just governments, and it is not just about politics.

For more information on how to spot a fake check out this blog post from EasyBib:

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