Friday 24 November 2017

Student review - Agent Nomad

Agent Nomad by Skye Melki-Wegner
Reviewed by Brodie Rabbas (8 Realino)

Agent Nomad is about a girl called Natalie who has the one-in-a-million ability to see people’s quintessences – their magical abilities and how they are using them.

She is a normal 15 year old before starts working for HELIX – a secret agency who protects normal people from evil people that feed off everyone’s magical essences.

Natalie’s ability is both very useful for HELIX, but makes her a target. Can she learn to master or powers before the Inductors manage to kill her?

Why I finished it: I finished it because it drew me into the book. I never wanted it to end, or put it down.

I’d recommend it to: I’d recommend it to anyone who likes spy stories, and anyone who like stories set in Australia

I rate this read: ««««« - OMG it was amazing

Check out the official book trailer:

Monday 20 November 2017

Food quiz - Winners!

This week we had just 3 people answer every question correctly.


Harrison Rolfs (7 Carroll)
Harrison Keating (8 Xavier)
Liam Power (11 Juana)

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again next week for another chance to play!

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Book trailer - The Outliers

The Outliers by Kimberly McCreight

It all starts with a text: Please, Wylie, I need your help.

Wylie hasn’t heard from Cassie in over a week, not since their last fight. But that doesn’t matter. Cassie’s in trouble, so Wylie decides to do what she has done so many times before: save her best friend from herself.

This time it’s different, though. Instead of telling Wylie where she is, Cassie sends cryptic clues. And instead of having Wylie come by herself, Jasper shows up saying Cassie sent him to help. Trusting the guy who sent Cassie off the rails doesn’t feel right, but Wylie has no choice: she has to ignore her gut instinct and go with him.

But figuring out where Cassie is goes from difficult to dangerous, fast. As Wylie and Jasper head farther and farther north into the dense woods of Maine, Wylie struggles to control her growing sense that something is really wrong. What isn’t Cassie telling them? And could finding her be only the beginning?

Monday 13 November 2017

Food, Glorious Food - Quiz!

Test your knowledge of food trivia - how much do you know about the things we eat?

Yummy prizes will be awarded to the student/s with the most correct answers*.

Go to the competition

Entries close on Friday 10th of November.

Winners announced here on Monday 13th of November.

*The number of prizes awarded for each competition may be limited at the library's discretion.

Friday 3 November 2017

A new one in the Gone series

Monster by Michael Grant
The latest in the Gone series...

Michael Grant continues the story of the teens who morph into superheroes—and supermonsters—when they ingest an alien virus.

Four years after the events of the FAYZ, new meteorites are hitting Earth, and the whole world is exposed to a strange alien virus that gives humans unique superpowers.

As some teens become heroes and others become dangerously out of control with their new powers, the world will become more terrifying than the FAYZ—and only a monstrous battle between good and evil can save them [].

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Navigating "Alternative Facts"

To protect yourself from post-Trump world of "Alternative Facts" it is worth knowing why new sites,
ads, and social media grabs are deliberately trying to trick you.

What are they doing, and why?

Fake News - Think of this as click-bait. These are made up stories designed to look like journalism. The purpose? to make money out of the surrounding ads - the more you click, the more money they make.

Misinformation - This is when a story is designed to fool you - often to make you laugh or to see if something will go viral. How many times has Morgan Freeman apparently died according to social media? Satirical stories like those on The Onion are also examples of this.

Propaganda - This is when Trump's "alternative facts" come in. This is when something is biased or misleading to encourage you to believe a particular idea or political belief. Governments do this all the time, but it is not just governments, and it is not just about politics.

For more information on how to spot a fake check out this blog post from EasyBib: