Wednesday 13 September 2017

Study tips #2

Rinse and repeat

Your memory is a strange thing - but it is worth learning out how it works, so you can make it easier
to remember things.

When you see, read or hear something for the first time it goes into your short term memory, but will soon be lost for good. If you see, read or hear it again soon after, it will make it into long term memory, but very well. It is only when you see, read or hear something repeated over time that you truely learn it.

So, make sure you go over the materials you are learning more than once - and have a break between each revision or it wont stick. The traditional Allnighter wont help you that much for your exam, but a couple of much shorter sessions will set you up nicely. Also, the extra sleep the night before the exam will also be very beneficial.

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