Friday 8 September 2017

New in the ILC

In the Dark Spaces by Cally Black

Tamara is a stowaway on the starship her aunt works on as a chef. With no other family, she and her baby cousin, Gub, spend their days being silent and existing on leftovers. Tamara dreams of being tall enough to pass for 16 so she can work in the kitchens and earn a place with her aunt.

When the Starweaver Layla is attacked by the Garuwa, a crow-like alien species, everyone is being killed. Desperate to save Gub, Tamara leads the crow-people away from his hiding place, and ends up being captured rather than killed.

Tamara now has to learn enough about these aliens to be able to communicate with them if she wants any hope of finding Gub again.

Mrs Kelleher rates this read 4 1/2 stars.

Nothing by Annie Barrows

This book is about Charlotte and Frankie, and some stuff that happened to them last year. 

If you are sick to death of books that take themselves way to seriously filled with abused/drug-addicted/depressed/alien-infested teens, then this book might be for you. They will not have insane sex, shoot up, combat aliens, kill themselves, flunk out or realise they are gay. Their parents are also guaranteed to stay alive for the entire book.

This is a book about some not incredible, but not entirely basic fifteen year old girls. There will be laughs along the way.

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