Friday 15 September 2017

In the mood for some Anime?

You've seen it on Netflix, want to see where it all started? Try some of these from the ILC...


Story and art by Masashi Kishimoto

Outcast and shunned, Naruto is determined to become the best ninja ever.

Even though none of his classmates take him seriously, he will join them on an adventure that will take them far beyond the Ninja Academy.

Will Naruto find his true destiny?

Ouran High School Host Club

Story and art by Bisco Hatroi

This romantic comedy centres around Haruhi, a poor student on a scholarship to a wealthy private school.
Mistaken for a boy, she falls in with a group of super-rich gorgeous guys who call themselves the "Host Club".

What happens when they find out she is a girl?


Story by Shin Yoshida, Art by Naohito Miyoshi

Yugi and his friends have become obsessed with the new card game Duel Monsters. But it looks like there is more to the game than just cards.

When Yugi's grandfather gives him the Millennium Puzzle, something that no one else has been able to solve, a series of events begins to unfold.

With the help of an ancient Egyptian spirit Yugi and his friends must save his grandfather in a competition of Duel Monsters.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Study tips #2

Rinse and repeat

Your memory is a strange thing - but it is worth learning out how it works, so you can make it easier
to remember things.

When you see, read or hear something for the first time it goes into your short term memory, but will soon be lost for good. If you see, read or hear it again soon after, it will make it into long term memory, but very well. It is only when you see, read or hear something repeated over time that you truely learn it.

So, make sure you go over the materials you are learning more than once - and have a break between each revision or it wont stick. The traditional Allnighter wont help you that much for your exam, but a couple of much shorter sessions will set you up nicely. Also, the extra sleep the night before the exam will also be very beneficial.

Monday 11 September 2017

Beauty and the Beast - Winners!

This was a hard quiz. No one got every question right! We had 2 students who got 10 out of 11 questions right.


Tadhg Evans (7 Carroll)
Will Palmer (9 Beltran)

A special mention also needs to go out to the following homeroom who worked together and also only got one question wrong:

10 Rodriguez

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again in the first week of Term 4 for a new competition and a chance to win!

Friday 8 September 2017

New in the ILC

In the Dark Spaces by Cally Black

Tamara is a stowaway on the starship her aunt works on as a chef. With no other family, she and her baby cousin, Gub, spend their days being silent and existing on leftovers. Tamara dreams of being tall enough to pass for 16 so she can work in the kitchens and earn a place with her aunt.

When the Starweaver Layla is attacked by the Garuwa, a crow-like alien species, everyone is being killed. Desperate to save Gub, Tamara leads the crow-people away from his hiding place, and ends up being captured rather than killed.

Tamara now has to learn enough about these aliens to be able to communicate with them if she wants any hope of finding Gub again.

Mrs Kelleher rates this read 4 1/2 stars.

Nothing by Annie Barrows

This book is about Charlotte and Frankie, and some stuff that happened to them last year. 

If you are sick to death of books that take themselves way to seriously filled with abused/drug-addicted/depressed/alien-infested teens, then this book might be for you. They will not have insane sex, shoot up, combat aliens, kill themselves, flunk out or realise they are gay. Their parents are also guaranteed to stay alive for the entire book.

This is a book about some not incredible, but not entirely basic fifteen year old girls. There will be laughs along the way.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Study tips #1

Chunk it up

Loads of research has shown that lots of shorter study sessions are much more effective than one long session - even if you spend exactly the same amount of time studying.

So, ditch the 5 hour marathon study sessions over the weekend, and try to get in an hour study each weeknight instead.

Not only will you get more done, have the weekend to relax, but you will also end up doing better work and getting better marks with no more time spent studying!

This strategy also make large assignments feel a lot more managable. As the famous saying goes:

How do you eat an elephant? One small piece at a time!

Monday 4 September 2017

Beauty and the Beast quiz

In honour of our production next week, this week we will be testing your knowledge of all things Beauty and the Beast.

Yummy prizes will be awarded to the student/s with the most correct answers*.

Go to the competition

Entries close on Thursday 7th of September (Friday is TriUMPH).

Winners announced here on Monday 11th of September.

*The number of prizes awarded for each competition may be limited at the library's discretion.

Friday 1 September 2017

New in the ILC

Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo

She will become one of the world’s greatest heroes: WONDER WOMAN. But first she is Diana, Princess of the Amazons. And her fight is just beginning. . . .

Diana longs to prove herself to her legendary warrior sisters. But when the opportunity finally comes, she throws away her chance at glory and breaks Amazon law—risking exile—to save a mere mortal. Even worse, Alia Keralis is no ordinary girl and with this single brave act, Diana may have doomed the world. 

Alia just wanted to escape her overprotective brother with a semester at sea. She doesn’t know she is being hunted. When a bomb detonates aboard her ship, Alia is rescued by a mysterious girl of extraordinary strength and forced to confront a horrible truth: Alia is a Warbringer—a direct descendant of the infamous Helen of Troy, fated to bring about an age of bloodshed and misery.

Together, Diana and Alia will face an army of enemies—mortal and divine—determined to either destroy or possess the Warbringer. If they have any hope of saving both their worlds, they will have to stand side by side against the tide of war. 
[Blurb from]

Maybe by Morris Gleitzman

18 May 1946.

Dear Zliv,
It's me you want, not Gabriek or Anya.
I caused your brother's death, just me.
But you'll have to come to the other side of the world to kill me, because that's where I'm going.
If you don't believe me, check the newspapers.


This is the latest book in Morris Gleitzman's series that started with Once.