Monday 7 August 2017

Mythical beasts - winners!

We had twelve winners this week! Five lucky students were drawn out of a hat to win a major prize. All the other winners can come to the ILC to collect a small prize of their own


Alisha Jones (7 Miki)
Agnel Joseph (8 Xavier)
Harrison Keating (8 Xavier)
Courtney Waugh (10 Olgilvie)
Harry Learmer-Alessi (11 Denn)

Minor prize winners:

Emily Green (7 Licona)
Ella Ball (7 Miki)
Griffen Morris (7 Miki)
Thomas Hruska (8 Campion)
Rory Quinn (8 Rubio)
Daniel Duncan (9 Gonzaga)
Joseph Milledge (9 Gonzaga)

A special mention also needs to go out to 12 Inigo who worked together to get 10 out of 10 for the quiz.

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again next week for a new competition and a chance to win!

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