Friday 11 August 2017

New in the ILC

Ballad for a Mad Girl by Vikki Wakefield

Part mystery, part realistic teen saga, part suspense, part supernatural. read this one with the light on.

On a dare Grace takes on the challenge of attempting the fastest pipeline crossing. The pipeline, over a deep drop, is dangerous, and scary. Not to mention that it is where Hannah Holt's body is rumoured to have been dumped 20 years ago.

Part way through her crossing, Grace experiences something eerie. Something that changes her life. She will never be the same again. Now she is obsessed with the mystery of Hannah's disappearence, and she is experiencing things she can't explain. Grace can no longer be sure if things are real, or if she really is going mad. As she becomes haunted, she doesn't know who to turn to, and her friends and family can't tell if Grace - always the joker - is being serious.

For an interview with Vikki Wakefield go to

Mrs Stephenson rates this read 3 1/2 stars

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