Friday 12 May 2017

Spotlight on Senior Fiction

Senior students, if you are looking for something with a bit more maturity than the things you were reading in year 7 and 8, look out for the Senior Fiction stickers on books with more adult themes.

Not sure where to start? Perhaps try one of these titles:

Saving Jazz by Kate McCaffrey

Gone were the days when you live in fear of what someone could do to you. Now you lived in fear of your worst mistakes being paraded around the globe to take you down.

Jasmine Lovely has it all - the looks, the grades, the friends.

But when a house party spins out of control, Jazz discovers what can happen when your mistakes go viral... []

Mrs Stephenson rates this read 4 1/2 stars

The Bad Decisions Playlist by Michael Rubens

A stranger rolls into town, and everything changes…

…especially for Austin Methune, when the stranger turns out to be his father, presumed dead, and his father turns out to be Shane Tucker, a bigtime musician—just the role Austin wants for himself.

Austin has a long history of getting himself into trouble, with the assistance of weed, inertia, and indifference. And he’s in deep trouble now—the deepest ever. He’s talented, though. Maybe his famous father will help him turn his life around and realize his musical dream.

But maybe Austin has inherited more than talent from Shane, who also does drugs, screws up, and drops out.

Austin is a tour guide to his own bad decisions and their consequences as he is dragged, kicking and screaming, toward adulthood. []

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