Wednesday 3 May 2017

Creative writing

Do you love creative writing? Or do you hate it, but have to do it for English? Either way, at times, you might find yourself staring at a blank page and wondering what to write or how to start. Here are a few websites that might help you…

Looking for inspiration?

Writing Exercises
This is a great website where the real danger is in being faced with too many ideas and getting addicted to their random generators! My favourites are the Random First Line generator and the Random Character Trait Generator. One is great for getting ideas going, especially if I am doing a 5 or 10 minute warm-up writing activity. The other is good for inspiring depth to my characters.

Writer’s Digest: Creative Writing Prompts
Aside from all the other things this community offers, this website offers a weekly creative writing prompt. These are detailed enough to be used for a short story or a longer warm-up. If you don’t like this week’s prompt, you can scroll back through previous offerings for something that sparks your attention.

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