Monday 5 September 2016

World Leaders quiz - Winner!

Only one student was able to get every question right.


Tess Craven (7 Miki)

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prize.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again next week for a new competition and a chance to win!

For those who are curious the correct answers were:

Q1. What is Barack Obama's Secret Service code name? 
  A. Renegade

Q2. Which country does Kim Jong-Un rule?
  A. North Korea

Q3. Who is the current President of Indonesia?
  A. Joko Widodo

Q4. What was the nickname for Queen Mary I?
  A. Bloody Mary

Q5.What was the name of the first Australian Prime Minister?
  A. Edmond Barton

Q6. Which King of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta?
  A. King John

Q7. Which was the first country to give women the right to be elected to parliament?
  A. Sweden

Q8. Which American President was in the National Hall of fame for wrestling?
  A. Abraham Lincoln

Q9. Which world leader kidnapped a director to create a knock-off of the movie Godzilla
  A. Kim Jong Il

Q10. Which monarch was credited with first decorating  gingerbread men?
  A. Queen Elizabeth I

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