Friday 16 September 2016

New in the Library

There is a whole pile of books that have just arrived in the ILC. Check out the display TV for the full list. But in the meantime, maybe you want to check out some of these titles:

Skyfire by Michael Adams

This is the first book the Seven Signs series. Perfect for anyone who loved The Last Thirteen series or Conspiracy 365.

7 teenagers
7 signs
7 continents
7 days to avert disaster.

Fast paces, thrilling. This one will keep you at the edge of your seat.

Paper Butterflies by Lisa Heathfield

Looking for a book that will break your heart?

June is suffering at the hands her step-mother. It happens in ways that make is really hard for her to speak up. When June's dad is around Kathleen pretends to love her, so her dad thinks that June is just having trouble adjusting to having a new mum.

Then June meets Blister, a kid who is home schooled, who hangs out in some abandoned caravans. He, and their caravans, become her safe haven. Away from Kathleen. Away from her stepsister. Away from the bullies at school. Blister becomes the light in her dark world. She starts to dream of flying far away. But can you fly with broken wings?

Mrs Kelleher rates this read 3 and a half stars

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