Friday 16 September 2016

New in the Library

There is a whole pile of books that have just arrived in the ILC. Check out the display TV for the full list. But in the meantime, maybe you want to check out some of these titles:

Skyfire by Michael Adams

This is the first book the Seven Signs series. Perfect for anyone who loved The Last Thirteen series or Conspiracy 365.

7 teenagers
7 signs
7 continents
7 days to avert disaster.

Fast paces, thrilling. This one will keep you at the edge of your seat.

Paper Butterflies by Lisa Heathfield

Looking for a book that will break your heart?

June is suffering at the hands her step-mother. It happens in ways that make is really hard for her to speak up. When June's dad is around Kathleen pretends to love her, so her dad thinks that June is just having trouble adjusting to having a new mum.

Then June meets Blister, a kid who is home schooled, who hangs out in some abandoned caravans. He, and their caravans, become her safe haven. Away from Kathleen. Away from her stepsister. Away from the bullies at school. Blister becomes the light in her dark world. She starts to dream of flying far away. But can you fly with broken wings?

Mrs Kelleher rates this read 3 and a half stars

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Google like a pro: Tip #2

Using an asterisk within quotes when you are not sure of a word

You can still use quotation marks even when you are not certain of the exact wording of what you are looking for.

Let's say you and a friend are debating about a famous quote from a movie. You remember it differently to your friend, and neither of you can remember which film the quote came from. How do you work out who is right? Put the bit of the quote you both agree on, substituting any words you are not sure of with asterisks:


"frankly my dear I don't give a *"

Monday 12 September 2016

Quiz - Pop Culture

This fortnight's competition is set in the world of popular culture. Test your knowledge of celebrities and Internet fads. The person who correctly answers the most questions will win the prize.

How well do you know your Pop Culture?

Go to the competition

Entries close on Friday 16th of September.

Winners announced Monday 3rd of October (first day of Term 4).

Friday 9 September 2016

Short, exciting reads

Looking for a super-exciting super-shot read? Try something from James Patterson’s Bookshots series. None of the books is longer than 150 pages, and all are action/thrillers.

Private Royals by James Patterson

At a cocktail party the night before the Trooping thr Colour parade for the Queen’s 90th birthday, Jack receives a phone call from the Due of Aldershot saying that his daughter, Abbie, has been kidnapped. He needs Private on the case - one word to the police and Abbie will be killed.
Jack has to find Abbie before 11:00 a.m. the next day, or the kidnapping will turn to murder.

The Hostage by James Patterson

The grand opening of the world’s most exclusive hotel: forty floors of breathtaking luxury.
VIPs gather in London for the ultimate preview. But one uninvited guest plans to make this a day the city will never forget.
Global Head of Security, Jon Roscoe, confronts a killer with a deadly timetable.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Google like a pro: Tip #1

Using quotes to search for an exact phrase

You can make Google search exactly the same words in exactly the same order by using quotation marks.

This is great when you have copied and pasted something from a website and can't remember where you got it from. Simply copy the text into Google, put quotation marks around it, and the right website should come up near the top of your results.

It's also really good for find out the rest of the lyrics to that song you really like.


"I was afraid of dentists and the dark"

Monday 5 September 2016

World Leaders quiz - Winner!

Only one student was able to get every question right.


Tess Craven (7 Miki)

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prize.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again next week for a new competition and a chance to win!

For those who are curious the correct answers were:

Q1. What is Barack Obama's Secret Service code name? 
  A. Renegade

Q2. Which country does Kim Jong-Un rule?
  A. North Korea

Q3. Who is the current President of Indonesia?
  A. Joko Widodo

Q4. What was the nickname for Queen Mary I?
  A. Bloody Mary

Q5.What was the name of the first Australian Prime Minister?
  A. Edmond Barton

Q6. Which King of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta?
  A. King John

Q7. Which was the first country to give women the right to be elected to parliament?
  A. Sweden

Q8. Which American President was in the National Hall of fame for wrestling?
  A. Abraham Lincoln

Q9. Which world leader kidnapped a director to create a knock-off of the movie Godzilla
  A. Kim Jong Il

Q10. Which monarch was credited with first decorating  gingerbread men?
  A. Queen Elizabeth I

Friday 2 September 2016

Now in the Cinema - Nerve

Nerve by Jeanne Ryan

A high-stakes online game of dares turns deadly

When Vee is picked to be a player in NERVE, an anonymous game of dares broadcast live online, she discovers that the game knows her. They tempt her with prizes taken from her ThisIsMe page and team her up with the perfect boy, sizzling-hot Ian. At first it's exhilarating--Vee and Ian's fans cheer them on to riskier dares with higher stakes. But the game takes a twisted turn when they're directed to a secret location with five other players for the Grand Prize round. Suddenly they're playing all or nothing, with their lives on the line. Just how far will Vee go before she loses NERVE?

Quote of the Week

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
- Thomas Edison