Wednesday 2 March 2016

Plagiarism & how to avoid it

Plagiarism is when you take someone else's idea and pretend it is your own. Some examples of plagiarism are:

  • Handing in an assignment that someone else wrote.
  • Copying and pasting from another source (like a website) without giving credit to the original source.
  • Not using quotation marks when you use someone's exact words.
  • Changing only one or two words in a sentence, but pretty much leaving the sentence the way it was, and not giving credit to the original source (for tips of paraphrasing so it is not plagiarism check this website:
  • Providing incorrect information about where you got information from (especially if you make it up).
  • Copying so many words or ideas that you didn't really write much of your assignment at all.
(Adapted from:

For more information check out:, or come and talk to the Librarians, we are very happy to help you avoid plagiarism!

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