Thursday 10 March 2016

How much time do you have?

One of the biggest challenges facing students is the ability to juggle homework with sporting commitments, family, work and having time to chill out.

We all know that slacking off and not doing homework is a bad habit to get into - firstly it is very bad for your grades. Secondly, it gets you into bad habits for the rest of your life - habits that will make your life feel a lot harder than it is. On the other hand, spending all you time doing homework, working part-time jobs, and helping around the home, is not all that healthy either. You need to make sure you have time to catch up with friends, get in some exercise, or just hang out. It's all about balance. But balance can be hard to find.

One of the best things you can do is a little bit of an audit of how you are spending your time. How much time do you spend at school? How many hours do you spend sleeping? working? catching up with friends? What do you do with your weekends? How many hours are left over that you can use for homework? If you week balanced?

RMIT University has made a useful tool that helps you look at your week, and find some of those "missing" hours that can be used for homework:

This tool is designed to help you find hours for homework - and be surprised at how many hours you actually have. But it can also be used to look at how balanced your study/relaxing habits are.

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