Thursday 15 October 2015

Study Skills

Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen
Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen
It's that time of year - when all your hard work is starting to make a difference. You are nearly finished, you can see the holidays coming. But first - the final few hurdles, those last few assignment, and, of course, exams.
The end of the year is always a tricky time. You are tired from all the work you have already put in, but still have some of the most important assessments to go. This is the time that good study habits, stress management and focus really make a difference. The difference is big enough that, even at this late stage, it is worth taking the time to read up and make sure you know how to be your best.
The State Library of Victoria hosts a website called Ergo, that has a whole lot of useful advice, especially the study tips section:
James Madison University has provided a quick downloadable leaflet on how to study more effectively. Full of dot points it is easy to spot the tips for your own study weaknesses: Improve my high school study skills.

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