Wednesday 28 October 2015

ILC Closure for the VCE exams


The ILC will be closed from Thursday 29th of October, reopening on Wednesday 18th of November.

This is to allow the year 12s to have enough space, and enough quiet to complete their exams.

The ILC staff will have a number of arrangements in place to make sure this closure impacts you as little as possible. Here are the answers to a number of the questions you might have:

I have a book on loan. When will it be due, and how can I return it?
Books will have their normal due dates (i.e. 2 weeks after the day it was borrowed). ILC staff will be visiting homerooms in the mornings to collect any books students want to return.

How can I borrow something new, or renew something I have already borrowed?
The easiest thing for you to do is to email ILC staff via the library email address: If you let us know what you want to borrow/renew we will organise it for you.

Will I still be able to play Uno or Chess at lunchtime?
You will not be able to come into the ILC at lunchtime, but there will be space provided in the Xavier Centre, and many of the board games will be moved across there during the exam period for you to play at lunch and snack.

What if I need help finding information for an assignment or help creating a bibliography?
ILC staff will be very happy to help you. All you need to do is email them using the library email address and someone will get back to you with email help, or to arrange a time and place to give you face-to-face help.

Any other questions? email us and we will do our best to help!

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