Wednesday 10 October 2018

Does This Website Smell Funny to You?

Let's face it. Deciding what is true or not online can be hard. That is why Amy Gillespie developed the FART test.

F is for Friendly on the eyes

  • Is it easy to read?
  • Has the creator taken the time to present the information well?
  • Is the site designed to help you understand the information (or is it full of flashy stuff designed to distract you?)

If someone doesn't bother presenting information well, perhaps they haven't bothered checking the information either.

A is for Author's Authority

  • Who is the author?
  • Are they an expert?
  • Does the author identify themselves, and give you a way to get in contact?

If someone doesn't want to take credit for their work, perhaps they don't want to be connected with it.

R is for Repeated elsewhere

  • Is the information backed up in other places?
  • Does the author cite their sources so you can check up on them?

Sometimes you find a great looking bit of information, but if you can't find out where it came from, perhaps it is not something you want to use.

T is for Timely

  • When was the information published? (Has the website been updated lately?)
  • Is your topic time sensitive?

If you are looking up Shakespearian acting techniques - a website that is 10 years old will be fine. But if you are looking for information on an app or media issue, the date the information was written could make a huge difference.

Adapted from: 

Gillespie, A. (2016). Web evaluation: does this website smell funny to you? Retrieved 30 August 2018, from

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