Wednesday 27 June 2018

Fake News - a spotters guide #2

Sponsored content. What am I buying?

Ok, it's easy to spot banner ads at the top of website, but a lot of advertising is more subtle.

So called ‘native ads’ are designed to match the look and feel of the website you are viewing. Advertisers say it is to stop you feeling like you are being interrupted like a TV commercial. In reality it simply makes it harder for you to know when someone is marketing to you and when it is the information you are looking for (iCubeWire, 2015).

Some things to look out for:

  • Ads at the top of your Google results list:

  • Suggested posts
  • Sponsored articles

Image credit:  Baer, D. (n.d.).

Baer, D. (n.d.). Engage your ideal audience with native advertising. Retrieved 7 May 2018, from:

iCubesWire. (2015). Native Ads – Moving ahead of conventional ad formats in affiliate marketing. Retrieved 7 May 2018, from

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