Monday 30 October 2017

Hunger Games - winners!

This week we had 9 winners, and since we haven't had many winners for the last few quizzes, everyone gets a prize!


Matthew Warwick (7 Carroll)
Ella Ball (7 Miki)
Mimosa Gillespie (7 Miki)
Toby Mew (7 Miki)
Emily Green (7 Licona)
Olivia Ball (7 Ward)
Agnel Joseph (8 Xavier)
Caine Gale (9 Isore)
Benjamin Robertson (10 Loyola)

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again in the first week of Term 4 for a new competition and a chance to win!

Friday 27 October 2017

Book suggestion

Sparrow by Scot Gardner

Sparrow and the other kids from Juvie are returning from a wilderness exercise when their boat sinks.

Instead of waiting in the water for help, Sparrow swims for shore.

Alone, in the middle of the Kimberly, with only salt water crocs and mosquitos for company, Sparrow has to find a way to survive in this dangerous freedom.

Mrs Kelleher rates this read 4 1/2 stars

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Study tips #6

Keep it... Green

A weird thing about our brains is that, for some reason, there is something about the colour green that
helps with concentration.

Maybe next time you are buying highlighters or post-it-notes grab the green ones!

Monday 23 October 2017

The Hunger Games - Quiz

Test your knowledge of The Hunger Games - have you read all 3 books?

Yummy prizes will be awarded to the student/s with the most correct answers*.

Go to the competition

Entries close on Friday 27th of October.

Winners announced here on Monday 30th of October.

*The number of prizes awarded for each competition may be limited at the library's discretion.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Study tip #5

Make exam conditions normal

It is worth trying to keep your study space similar to how you will be during the exam. The more
normal your exam conditions feel, the less stressed you will get - and that will make it easier to remember what you need to know.

Try things like wearing the same clothes you will wear at your exam, don't listen to music while doing practice exams, have a similar desk set up.

In particular wear the same deodorant you will wear the day of your exam - you would be surprised how closely connected your memory is to you sense of smell. Every little thing that is the same when you are studying to when you are doing your exams will help those memories surface that you need the most.

Monday 16 October 2017

Celebrity smiles - Winners!

It must be harder to recognise someone's smile than it is their eyes - this celebrity quiz had only one person get every celebrity right


Annaliese Joly (8 Xavier)

Congratulations also go to the following homeroom who all worked together to also correctly identify every smile:

12 Inigo

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again next week for a new competition and a chance to win!

Friday 13 October 2017

Inky Award Winners Announced

These are the best books published last year, as voted by teenagers.

The GOLD Inky (written by an Australian author) goes to:
Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley

Years ago Rachael had a crush in Henry, her best friend. The night before she moved away she left him a letter confessing her feelings inside his favourite book. Although he called, and emailed her, he never mentioned the note. So Rachael stopped communicating with him.

Now, three years later, Rachael is mourning her brother who drowned after being sucked into a rip. To help her stop dwelling on this her mother has encouraged her to move back to the city to get a job. Even if it means risking bumping into Henry.

Henry is still working in his family's second hand bookshop where people can leave messages to each other between the pages of the books in the Letter Library. He is also still in an on-again, off-again relationship with Amy - the girl who only seems to want him when there is no one better around.

“How do you feel?" Lola asks.
"Like I've just had every single one of my organs harvested while I'm still alive."
"Good to know you're not overreacting," she says.

The SILVER Inky (written by a non-Australian author) goes to:
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

Frances has her life planned out. Everything she does at school is with her end goal in mind. Her choice of subjects, her extra-curricular activities, and even friends to a certain extent are all done to look good on her college application. The only time she really does what she wants to do is when she listens to her favourite, but very obscure, podcast Radio Silence.

But then she meets Aled - the shy creator of Radio Silence, and for once she feels she can be herself. He likes the geeky clothes she only wears around the house. He "gets" her, and suddenly she is wondering if the success she has always worked so hard for is what she really wants.

But when Radio Silence goes viral the fragile new friendship between them is shattered.

'Are you wearing that?' he [Daniel] said. I looked down. I was wearing my batman onesie.
'Yes,' I said, 'Problem?'
'So many,' he said, turning around. 'So many problems.'

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Study tips #4

Get some sleep

There are a lot of reasons why sleep is an important part of healthy study habits.

1. Sleep helps you consolidate your learning. Once we have learned something, sleeping allows our brains to finish processing it, and linking it into our memories better. Even a short nap can help improve your memory of what you have just learned!

2. Sleep deprivation makes it harder to remember new things. Research has shown that because sleep is such an important part of the memory creation process that without it it is very hard to learn effectively.

So, time to ditch the all-nighter, it just wont help!

Monday 9 October 2017

Celebrity Smiles - competition

Test your knowledge of celebrities and famous faces. How many do you recognise?

Yummy prizes will be awarded to the student/s with the most correct answers*.

Go to the competition

Entries close on Friday 13th of October.

Winners announced here on Monday 16th of October.

*The number of prizes awarded for each competition may be limited at the library's discretion.