Monday 26 June 2017

Nursery Rhyme Quiz - Winners Galore!

Thank you to all those who revisited their kindergarten days and participated in the Nursery Rhyme Quiz.

CONGRATULATIONS go to the following:

Major Winners

Kiera Galan                           9 Regis
Harper Renkauskas               8 Rubio
Luke Lawson                        9 Mangin
Griffin Morris                       7 Miki
James Spowart                      8 Daniel

Minor Winners

Harrison Curtis                    12 Howett
Jesse Gallo                           12 Indigo
Emily Green                          7 Licona
12 Indigo
11 Denn
Eva Kilpatrick                       8 Xavier
Hollie Roberts                       8 Rubio
Mathew Ruiter                     10 Andres
Tyson Sydall                  
Abigail Valentine-Rawlins   10 Morse

 ** Please come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Keep your eye on the blog for another quiz in the first week of term 3.

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