Monday 26 June 2017

Nursery Rhyme Quiz - Winners Galore!

Thank you to all those who revisited their kindergarten days and participated in the Nursery Rhyme Quiz.

CONGRATULATIONS go to the following:

Major Winners

Kiera Galan                           9 Regis
Harper Renkauskas               8 Rubio
Luke Lawson                        9 Mangin
Griffin Morris                       7 Miki
James Spowart                      8 Daniel

Minor Winners

Harrison Curtis                    12 Howett
Jesse Gallo                           12 Indigo
Emily Green                          7 Licona
12 Indigo
11 Denn
Eva Kilpatrick                       8 Xavier
Hollie Roberts                       8 Rubio
Mathew Ruiter                     10 Andres
Tyson Sydall                  
Abigail Valentine-Rawlins   10 Morse

 ** Please come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Keep your eye on the blog for another quiz in the first week of term 3.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Quiz - Nursery Rhymes

This quiz asks you about Nursery Rhymes.  How much can you remember about your childhood Nursery Rhymes?

Yummy prizes will be awarded to the student/s with the most correct answers*

Go to Competition

Entries close on Monday 26th June

Winners announced here on Wednesday 28th June

*The number of prizes awarded for each competition my be limited a the library's discretion

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Before you post... THINK

If it is online it is forever. Don't regret what you post. Don't say something mean because you are frustrated with a friend.

Monday 12 June 2017

Footy quiz - winners!

That was probably the hardest quiz we have run. Over 100 students entered, but there were only 3 winners scoring 10 our of 10.


Ned Poynder (7 Borgia)
Luke Giblin (10 Briant)
Isaac Carpenter (11 Hopkins)

You will need to come to the ILC to collect your prizes.

Congratulations to the other students who had a go. Better luck next week!

Check out the blog again next week for a new competition and a chance to win!

Friday 9 June 2017

Two Wolves booktrailer

Two Wolves by Tristan Bancks

One afternoon, police officers show up at Ben Silver’s front door. Minutes after they leave, his parents arrive home. Ben and his little sister Olive are bundled into the car and told they’re going on a holiday. But are they?

It doesn’t take long for Ben to realise that his parents are in trouble. Ben’s always dreamt of becoming a detective – his dad even calls him ‘Cop’. Now Ben gathers evidence and tries to uncover what his parents have done.

The problem is, if he figures it out, what does he do? Tell someone? Or keep the secret and live life on the run?

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Technical and scientific search engine

Google is a great search engine. But there are times when what you want can be found more quickly and easily with another search engine.

WolframAlpha is a technical search engine that also calculates things for you. You can ask it to do complex calculations, or ask it for the technical background to a project you are working on.

Wanting some help with your music theory? What key are the major or minor chords in a particular key? Just type in the note F# and it will give you everything you want.

What about those important dates in history, basic biographical information? What to know how tall Tutanhkamun was? Type in his name and get the facts neatly set out.

Monday 5 June 2017

Quiz - Aussie Rules

This quiz asks you about Aussie Rules. How much do you know about the great game and it's history??

Yummy prizes will be awarded to the student/s with the most correct answers*.

Go to the competition

Entries close on Friday 9th of June.

Winners announced here on Tuesday 13th of June.

*The number of prizes awarded for each competition may be limited at the library's discretion.

Also, don't forget to complete the very quick survey to go into the draw to win more yummy prizes:

Friday 2 June 2017

New in the ILC

Life in a Fishbowl by Len Vlahos

Fifteen-year-old Jackie Stone is a prisoner in her own house. Everything she says and does 24/7 is being taped and broadcast to every television in America. Why? Because her dad is dying of a brain tumor and he has auctioned his life on eBay to the highest bidder: a ruthless TV reality show executive at ATN.

Gone is her mom's attention and cooking and parent-teacher conferences. Gone is her sister's trust ever since she's been dazzled by the cameras and new-found infamy. Gone is her privacy. Gone is the whole family's dignity as ATN twists their words and makes a public mockery of their lives on Life and Death. But most of all, Jackie fears that one day very soon her father will just be . . . gone. Armed only with her ingenuity and the power of the internet, Jackie is determined to end the show and reclaim all of their lives, even in death.

Told through multiple points of view--including her dad's tumor--acclaimed author Len Vlahos deftly explores what it really means to live in this brilliantly written tragicomedy. []

Flame in the Mist by Renee Aheieh

The only daughter of a prominent samurai, Mariko has always known she’d been raised for one purpose and one purpose only: to marry. Never mind her cunning, which rivals that of her twin brother, Kenshin, or her skills as an accomplished alchemist. Since Mariko was not born a boy, her fate was sealed the moment she drew her first breath.

So, at just seventeen years old, Mariko is sent to the imperial palace to meet her betrothed, a man she did not choose, for the very first time. But the journey is cut short when Mariko’s convoy is viciously attacked by the Black Clan, a dangerous group of bandits who’ve been hired to kill Mariko before she reaches the palace.

The lone survivor, Mariko narrowly escapes to the woods, where she plots her revenge. Dressed as a peasant boy, she sets out to infiltrate the Black Clan and hunt down those responsible for the target on her back. Once she’s within their ranks, though, Mariko finds for the first time she’s appreciated for her intellect and abilities. She even finds herself falling in love—a love that will force her to question everything she’s ever known about her family, her purpose, and her deepest desires. []