Wednesday 22 June 2016

Have you ever considered...volunteering?

Not only is volunteering a great thing for the community, but it is also a great thing for you too. Volunteering can help you:
  • Build your confidence
  • Gain new skills
  • Make new friends
  • Feel good about helping others
  • Have fun
On top of all of that, volunteering looks great on your resume when it comes time to find a job!
(Not to mention getting your community service hours up).

So, what sort of opportunities are out there? 
There is also an almost endless supply of things that you can volunteer for - so pick something that interests you. Some of the sorts of things you could consider include:
  • Joining a lifesaving club
  • Joining an emergency services group (e.g. CFA or SES).
  • Get involved with an aid organisation (or other human rights or social justice group)
    • Something local could be the soup kitchen
    • Something more global could be helping collect items and organise items to be shipped to overseas organisations.
  • Help out with a local club - perhaps a local performing arts group
  • Visiting a sick or elderly person
  • Tutoring a refugee in English, or helping out with the school holiday refugee programs
  • Helping out with a conservation project or group (something like Landcare)

For more information try reading these helpful guidelines put together by Youth Central:

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