Wednesday 11 May 2016

Book Review: We Were Liars

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart.

We are Sinclairs.
Beautiful. Privileged. Damaged. Liars.
We live, at least in the summertime, on a private island off the coast of Massachusetts.
Pehaps that is all you need to know.
Except that some of us are Liars…

My name is Cadence Sinclair Eastman. I am the eldest Sinclair grandchild. Heiress to the island, the fortune, and the expectations.
Well, probably.

Cady can’t remember what happened., all she knows is what she’s told. And they’re not telling  her everything.
Something happened in Summer 15. Something that would change her life forever.
When Cady comes back to Beechwood in Summer 17, something is different. The Aunties aren’t fighting… Granddad is calling everyone Mirren… The Littles are nicer… and The Liars are exactly the same as two summers ago.

The question is, what happened 2 summers ago? As her memories come back one by one, Cady writes them down on sticky notes, creating a layout of what she knows. But she’s missing something, something to fit the whole thing together.

Did something happen between her and Gat? Between the Aunties? She has to find out.
Cady needs to know what happened. There’s just one problem… Here is the truth about the beautiful Sinclair family, they lie.
How is Cady supposed to piece together summer 15 when no one will help her? Why wont they help her?

But then Cady remembers, and her because so he whole world comes crashing down.

In this thrill ride of a novel from E. Lockhart, you’ll be on a roller coaster ride of emotions.
Follow Cady’s journey as she tries to come to grips with everything and navigate life after the accident of summer 15.

Read it. And if anyone asks how it ends… JUST LIE.
(Text from a book trailer by Zoe Leigh).

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