Saturday 2 April 2016

World Autism Awareness Day

What better way to learn more about how an Autistic person thinks than by reading a book from his/her point of view?

Perhaps it is time for a feel good story full of laughs, but not at the expense of the main character Don, who may or many not have Aspergers Syndrome (and therefore be on the Autism spectrum).

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simison

Don Tillman, a socially awkward, logical, professor of genetics. Becoming aware that, statistically, married men are happier and live longer, Don has decided to get married. He just needs to find the right woman. So he embarks on The Wife Project - an orderly, evidence-based search for the perfect mate. He will start by using questionnaires to weed out unsuitable candidates (those that smoke, that are illogical and habitually run late), before dating those that make the short list.

Enter Rosie: spontaneous, fiery, and not what Don is looking for. But she is also fun to be around, and she want his help. Perhaps love is not something that can be approached with logic?

'Sheldon Cooper with a big heart'

Mrs Kelleher rates this read 4 stars.

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