Wednesday 16 September 2015

Have you picked your holiday reading yet?

Life in Outer Spacelooking-for-alaskaHolidays are great, you get to sleep in, catch up with friends, and generally muck around. But there are always a hours here and there where you don't feel like running around, or playing games. Those bits of time where you can just curl up in the quiet and read something that takes you away for a bit.

DivergentBombMaybe it is something that will make you laugh, like Life in Outerspace by Melissa Keil

Something that will make you cry, like Looking for Alaska by John Green

Or just something that will get your heart beating fast because you just want to know what is going to happen next, like Bomb by Sarah Mussi

Matilda9780525428848_HoldMeCloser_BOM_CV.inddMaybe it will be something popular that you haven't read yet, like Divergent by Veronica Roth

Or maybe something more obsure, like Hold Me Closer Tiny Cooper by David Leviathan

Or an old favourite, like Matilda, by Roald Dahl

Whatever you feel like, I am sure there is something in the ILC that will catch your eye.

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