Wednesday 19 September 2018

What the...? Are you sure that's real?

Looking for a quick way to find out if that weird news story is true or not?
Try investigates loads of internet claims and can tell you if they are true or not. Cut and paste the title of a news article or the text around an image you are not sure of and see if they have investigated it. If they have, they will tell you if it is true, false, or if they can't find enough information to say either way. They will also share with you the source of their information.

Monday 17 September 2018

Footy quiz

Don't forget HOUSE POINTS are now up for grabs if you participate in the ILC quizzes.

5 points will be awarded to the winner of the quiz, and 1 point for everyone else that enters the quiz. At the end of the year the final tallies will be sent to Mr Philp for inclusion in the House Cup tally.

We are gearing up for the exciting end of the AFL season. How well do you know the game and the rules?

Go to the quiz

Challenge your friends, support your house, go for glory - see who gets the most questions right!!

Results and winners will be announced Monday 8th of October.

Friday 14 September 2018

Don't have time to sit and read?

....try an audio book!

With over 500 titles to choose from, there should be an e-audiobook for you!!!

You can access the e-audiobook collection three different ways via;

1. ILC catalogue - just search for Audiobook, click on the title, then click on the link in the record


2. Download the eplatfrom for Wheelers app (available on Apple and Android devices), connect to Saint Ignatius College Geelong and browse the collection


3. Go to , browse the collection, choose your e-audiobook

Once you have chosen the e-audiobook, then sign in using your school username and password, borrow the e-audiobook and Start listening!!

Enjoy some fabulous reads.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Can you spot a bad argument?

How often are people in your life using dodgy reasoning to prove a point? Can you spot dodgy reasoning?

Monday 10 September 2018

Who's pet? - quiz results

2018 marks the first year that participation in the ILC trivia quizzes will count towards the House Cup competition. Over the year you can battle out with the other houses to gain precious points...

Congratulations to the top ranked students (11 out of 12 correctly identified)

Indiah Jakubzik (Fraser)
Maddi Miles (Bradman)

Also congratulations to the large number of teachers who gave it a go. Only one of you correctly matched every teacher and pet!

Ms Callahan (Cuthbert)

Every other student who participated gained a point for their house. This week the the points go to:

Bradman (41)
Elliott (41)
Fraser (41)
Cuthbert (37)

Don't forget to check out the quiz again next week for your chance to earn more points towards the House Cup.

Friday 7 September 2018

On Netflix - To All the Boys I've Loved Before

What if all the crushes you ever had found out how you felt about them… all at

Sixteen-year-old Lara Jean Song keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. They aren’t love letters that anyone else wrote for her; these are ones she’s written. One for every boy she’s ever loved—five in all. When she writes, she pours out her heart and soul and says all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes only. Until the day her secret letters are mailed, and suddenly, Lara Jean’s love life goes from imaginary to out of control.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Inky Awards - Voting is open!

It is time to vote for your favourite book from the year, and here is the shortlist:

These are the book awards that are voted on by Australian teens - not adults! It is your turn to tell US what books you love.
Have you read and loved any of the books in the shortlist? Vote for them! (you don't have to have read all the books to vote).

If you haven't, perhaps these books are good ones to try - after all it was your peers that have recommend them for the shortlist.

Monday 3 September 2018

Whose pet...? quiz

Don't forget HOUSE POINTS are now up for grabs if you participate in the ILC quizzes.

5 points will be awarded to the winner of the quiz, and 1 point for everyone else that enters the quiz. At the end of the year the final tallies will be sent to Mr Philp for inclusion in the House Cup tally.

How well do you know your teachers? Are they the sort of people to own a pet? Would they own a small dog? big dog? or a cat?

Go to the quiz

Challenge your friends, support your house, go for glory - see who gets the most questions right!!

Results and winners will be announced Monday 10th of September.