Monday 30 July 2018

Australian Landmarks - quiz results!

2018 marks the first year that participation in the ILC trivia quizzes will count towards the House Cup competition. Over the year you can battle out with the other houses to gain precious points...

Congratulations to the students who every question correct for last week's quiz. You have all earned 5 points for your house:

Kaitlyn Keast (Bradman)
Matt Ruiter (Cuthbert)

Every other student who participated gained a point for their house. This week the the points go to:

Bradman (17)
Cuthbert (15)
Elliott (9)
Fraser (8)

Don't forget to check out the quiz again next week for your chance to earn more points towards the House Cup.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Fake News - a spotters guide #4

Correlation ≠ Causation

Correlation is when 2 things seem to be linked because statistically they change at about the same rate.

e.g. statistically more people get sunburned at the times of the year when more people are eating ice cream.

Correlation does not equal causation.

Just because more people are getting sunburnt when they are eating ice cream does not mean the ice cream is causing sunburn!

Image credit: Megapixl

Adapted from:
Fontichiaro, K., Oehrli, A. and Hoff, T. (2017). Real strategies to address fake news. Retrieved 7 May, 2018, from

Monday 23 July 2018

Australian landmarks quiz!

Don't forget HOUSE POINTS are now up for grabs if you participate in the ILC quizzes.

5 points will be awarded to the winner of the quiz, and 1 point for everyone else that enters the quiz. At the end of the year the final tallies will be sent to Mr Philp for inclusion in the House Cup tally.

This week the topic is Australian Landmarks. How much do you know about the amazing places in our country?

Go to the quiz

Challenge your friends, support your house, go for glory - see who gets the most questions right!!

Results and winners will be announced Monday 30th of July.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Fake News - a spotters guide #3

Sounds too good to be true? It probably is!

Image credit: Guy Downes
Fake news is really good at telling you what you want to hear.

You want to loose weight without doing exercise or cutting down on all the yummy food that you know deep down is bad for you? There will be a website that tells you how. But that doesn't mean it will work!

Be very wary of articles or websites that promise things that you really want to believe - especially if there are other sources telling you the opposite.

Did a little deeper and ask yourself:

  • Who has written this?  What do they stand to gain if you believe what they are saying?
  • Have they backed up their claims with evidence you can trust?
  • Have they told you the whole story?

Adapted from:

Fontichiaro, K., Oehrli, A. and Hoff, T. (2017). Real strategies to address fake news. Retrieved 7 May, 2018, from

Monday 16 July 2018

FIFA World Cup - Winners!

2018 marks the first year that participation in the ILC trivia quizzes will count towards the House Cup competition. Over the year you can battle out with the other houses to gain precious points...

Congratulations to all the students who every question correct for last week's quiz. You have all earned 5 points for your house:

Ingrid Salla (Fraser)
Eva Kilpatrick (Cuthbert)
Samuel Vitorino (Fraser)
Ke (Elliott)
Ben Robertson (Elliott)
Mackenzie Sinclair (Bradman)
Theo Kontogeorgis (Bradman)
Cahill Hardman (Cuthbert)
Tadhg Evans (Elliott)
Riley Taylor (Bradman)
Matthew Brennan (Bradman)

Every other student who participated gained a point for their house. This week the the points go to:

Bradman (34)
Cuthbert (25)
Elliott (23)
Fraser (17)

Don't forget to check out the quiz again next week for your chance to earn more points towards the House Cup.